The Private and the Colonel(or, Someone Was Asleep During Customs and Courtesies Class)

During the summer of 1993, we got a new fuel handler assigned to Charlie Company, 46th Engineer Battalion, affectionately referred to as Charlie Rock. My then squad leader, SGT Sutherland, was in-processing this young private.

So far, everything had been cool. PVT Y* was an okay guy, but not too bright at times. Or maybe it was just the "new recruit fresh from training brain cramps."

Whatever the case, SGT Sutherland and PVT were leaving the Charlie Rock motor pool to take care of another part of his in-processing. As they are waiting to cross the street to the parking lot and Sarge's privately owned vehicle(POV), a colonel drives by in his staff vehicle.

Staff vehicles, whether car, minivan, Hummer,or helicopter, generally have a red plate showing the occupant's rank mounted on the front. Usually, you only see something like this for a colonel or a general officer. Whenever a military member in uniform sees this, he or she is required to salute.

Sarge renders a crisp, picture-perfect salute.

PVT Y doesn't.

The colonel orders his driver to stop, and he gets out and walks over to Sarge and PVT Y. He promptly chews Y's hindquarters off, and also comes down a bit on Sarge because he was the senior man there.

Afterwards, Sarge and Y "discussed" the matter. Basically, Sarge asked Y why the hell he didn't salute the colonel's vehicle.

Y's response? "I didn't know I had to salute their vehicles."

Geez, son, when in doubt, whip it out!

*-Name changed.

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